
Welcome to P-Rule Mastery!

The purpose of P-Rule Mastery is to drastically improve the pronunciation, reading, and teaching skills of foreign missionaries serving in Korea.

The information contained in P-Rule Mastery is primarily based on:


The P-Rules are the basic pronunciation rules of the Korean language. We recommend that you take a moment and familiarize yourself with them.

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        P-Rule Mastery Coaches

        Below you will find a list of individuals who have mastered the basic rules of Korean pronunciation.

        These “Coaches” are available to help grade P-Rule Test and work 1-on-1 with missionaries needing additional help mastering the P-Rules. Each Coach has received a minimum PRM Rating of Advanced High (85% or higher) and has chosen to become a P-Rule Coach.

        Here you will also find samples of these people reading in Korean so you can get an idea of their skill level as well as use these videos for your own practice.

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              Translated by Bruce Grant 2019;  For BYU, MTC, and missionary use only.

              Translator’s note (TN):  The Law on Standard Korean (표준어 규정 標準語規程) was promulgated on 19 January 1988 via Announcement 88-2, Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea.  The law is composed of two chapters, Rules of Standard Korean and the Law on Standard Korean Pronunciation. The Rules of Standard Korean states, “As a principle, Standard Korean shall be modern Korean as spoken widely by cultured residents of Seoul.”  A translation of Chapter II follows.


              Section 1:  As a matter of principle, the Law on Standard Korean Pronunciation shall be based on actual pronunciation of the standard language, but its provisions adhere to the traditions and logic of the Korean Language.


              Section 2:  The standard Korean consonants shall be the 19 following:

              ㄱ ㄲ ㄴ ㄷ ㄸ ㄹ ㅁ ㅂ ㅃ ㅅ ㅆ ㅇ ㅈ ㅉ ㅊ ㅋ ㅌ ㅍ ㅎ

              Section 3:  The standard Korean vowels shall be the 21 following:

              ㅏ ㅐ ㅑ ㅒ ㅓ ㅔ ㅕ ㅖ ㅗ ㅘ ㅙ ㅚ ㅛ ㅜ ㅝ ㅞ ㅟ ㅠ ㅡ ㅢ ㅣ

              Section 4:  The following shall be pronounced as simple vowels:  

              ㅏㅐㅓㅔㅗ ㅚ ㅜ ㅟ ㅢ

              Addendum: ㅚ and ㅟ may be pronounced as diphthongs.

              Section 5:  ㅑㅒㅕㅖㅘ ㅙ ㅛ ㅝ ㅞ ㅠand ㅢ shall be pronounced as diphthongs.

              Exception 1:  져, 쪄 and 쳐 in verb conjugations shall be pronounced 저, 쩌 and 처:

              가지어→가져 [가저]   찌어→쪄 [쩌] 다치어→다쳐 [다처]

              Exception 2: ㅖis also pronounced ㅔ except in 예 and 례:

              계집 [계:집 or 게:집]               계시다 [계:시다 or 게:시다]

              시계 [시계 or 시계](時計)         연계 [연계 or 연게](連繫)

              몌별 [몌별 or 메별](袂別)         개폐 [개폐 or 개페](開閉)

              혜택 [혜택 or 헤택](惠澤)         지혜 [지혜 or 지헤](智慧)

              Exception 3:  The ㅢ in a syllable that starts with a consonant is pronounced [ㅣ]:

              늴리리           닁큼              무늬              띄어쓰기                    씌어

              틔어              희어              희떱다 희망                      유희

              Exception 4:  It is also permissible to pronounce 의 asㅣ except in the first syllable of a word,  and to pronounce 의 as ㅔ as a possessive suffix:

              주의 [주의 or 주이]                 협의 [혀븨 or 혀비]                 우리의 [우리의 or 우리에]                                            강의의 [강:의의 or 강:이에]

              PART 3–SOUND LENGTH

              Section 6:  Long and short vowels shall be differentiated in speech, but as a principle, vowels may be long only in the first syllable of a word.  [TN: A colon (:) follows a long vowel.]

              눈보라 [눈:보라]
              말씨 [말:씨]
              밤나무 [밤:나무]
              많다 [만:타]
              멀리 [멀:리]
              벌리다 [벌:리다]

              첫눈 [천눈]
              참말 [참말]
              쌍동밤 [쌍동밤]
              수많이 [수:마니]
              눈멀다 [눈멀다]
              떠벌리다 [떠벌리다]

              Exception:  We recognize clear-cut long vowels in the second and subsequent syllables of compound words:

               반신반의 [반:신 바:늬 or 반:신 바:니]   재삼재사 [재:삼 재:사]

              Addendum:  When an 아 or어particle follows a short-vowel verb stem and results in a contraction, the contraction’s vowel is pronounced as a long vowel

              보아→봐 [봐:]            기어→겨 [겨:]            되어→돼 [돼:]

              두어→둬 [둬:]         하여→해 [해:]  

              Exception:  The following are not pronounced as long vowels:

              오아→와, 지어→져, 찌어→쪄, 치어→쳐

              Section 7:  A long vowel shall be pronounced as a short vowel in instances like the following:  

              1)  When a monosyllabic verb stem precedes a suffix that starts with a vowel:

              감다 [감:따]―감으니 [가므니]밟다 [밥:따]―밟으면 [발브면]
              신다 [신:따]―신어 [시너]알다 [알:다]―알아 [아라]

              Exception:  This does not apply in instances like the following:

              끌다 [끌:다]―끌어 [끄:러]떫다 [떨:따]―떫은 [떨:븐]
              벌다 [벌:다]―벌어 [버:러]썰다 [썰:다]―썰어 [써:러]
              없다 [업:따]―없으니 [업:쓰니]

              2)    When a verb stem precedes a passive or causative suffix:

              감다 [감:따]―감기다 [감기다]꼬다 [꼬:다]―꼬이다 [꼬이다]
              밟다 [밥:따]―밟히다 [발피다]

              Exception:  This does not apply in exceptions like the following:

              끌리다 [끌:리다벌리다 [벌:리다]없애다 [업:쌔다]

              Addendum:  The vowel is pronounced short in compounds like the following, irrespective of the vowel’s original length.



              Section 8:  Only the following seven shall be pronounced as bottom consonants:  

              ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄷ, ㄹ, ㅁ, ㅂ, ㅇ

              Section 9:  When preceding a vowel or appearing in a final position, each of the bottom consonants ㄲ, ㅋ, ㅅ, ㅆ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅌ andㅍis pronounced as its proxy consonant ㄱ, ㄷ, orㅂ:

              닦다 [닥따]키읔 [키윽]키읔과 [키윽꽈]옷 [옫]
              웃다 [욷:따]있다 [읻따]젖 [젇]빚다 [빋따]
              꽃 [꼳]쫓다 [쫃따]솥 [솓]뱉다 [밷:따]
              앞 [압]덮다 [덥따]

              Section 10:  When preceding a vowel or appearing in a final position, each of the bottom consonant pairs ㄳ, ㄵ, ㄼ, ㄽ, ㄾ, andㅄis pronounced as its proxy consonant ㄱ, ㄴ, ㄹ,  orㅂ:

              넋 [넉]넋과 [넉꽈]앉다 [안따]여덟 [여덜]
              넓다 [널따]외곬 [외골]핥다 [할따]값 [갑]
              없다 [업:따]

              Exception:  밟 is pronounced as 밥 when it precedes a consonant, and 넓 is pronounced as 넙 in instances like the following:       

              1)밟다 [밥:따]밟소 [밥:쏘]밟지 [밥:찌]밟는 [밥:는→밤:는]

              밟게 [밥:께]밟고 [밥:꼬]

              2)넓-죽하다 [넙쭈카다]넓-둥글다 [넙뚱글다]

              Section 11:  When preceding a vowel or appearing in a final position, each of the bottom consonant pairs ㄺ, ㄻ andㄿis pronounced as its proxy consonant ㄱ, ㅁ, orㅂ:

              닭 [닥]흙과 [흑꽈]맑다 [막따]늙지 [늑찌]
              삶 [삼:]젊다 [점:따]읊고 [읍꼬]읊다 [읍따]

              Exception:  ㄺ as the final sound in a verb stem is pronounced ㄹ when it precedes a ㄱ:     

              맑게 [말께]묽고 [물꼬]읽거나 [일꺼나]

              Section 12: The bottom consonant ㅎshall be pronounced as follows:

              1)  ㅎ (ㄶor ㅀ) combines with the first sound of the ensuing syllable and is pronounced ㅋ, ㅌor ㅊwhen it precedes a ㄱ, ㄷ, orㅈ:      

              놓고 [노코]좋던 [조:턴]쌓지 [싸치]많고 [만:코]
              않던 [안턴]닳지 [달치]

              Addendum 1:  Likewise, ㅎ combines with the bottom consonant of a preceding syllable to be pronounced ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅍor ㅊ when it succeeds ㄱ (ㄺ), ㄷ, ㅂ (ㄼ) orㅈ (ㄵ):

              각하 [가카]먹히다 [머키다]밟히다 [발피다]맏형 [마텽]
              좁히다 [조피다]넓히다 [널피다]꽂히다 [꼬치다]앉히다 [안치다]

              Addendum 2:  This applies to the ㄷ stipulated as the final sound of ㅅ, ㅈ, ㅊ andㅌ:

              옷 한 벌 [오탄벌]낮 한때 [나탄때]꽃 한 송이 [꼬탄송이]
              숱하다 [수타다]

              2)  ㅅ is pronounced as ㅆwhen it follows a ㅎ (ㄶor ㅀ):

              닿소 [다쏘]많소 [만쏘]싫소 [실쏘]

              3)  ㅎ is pronounced as ㄴwhen it precedes a ㄴ:

              놓는 [논는]쌓네 [싼네]

              Addendum:   When ㄶor ㅀ precedes a ㄴ, the ㅎ is not pronounced:

              않네 [안네]않는 [안는]뚫네 [뚤네→뚤레]뚫는 [뚤는→뚤른]
              Note:  Refer to Section 20 in regard to:  뚫네 [뚤네→뚤레], 뚫는 [뚤는→뚤른].

              4.  ㅎ (ㄶor ㅀ) is not pronounced  when it precedes an initial vowel in a particle or suffix:

              낳은 [나은]놓아 [노아]쌓이다 [싸이다]많아 [마:나]
              않은 [아는]닳아 [다라]싫어도 [시러도]

              Section 13:  When a bottom consonant or a twin bottom consonant precedes a marker, particle or suffix that begins with a vowel, the phonetic value of the original consonant transfers to be pronounced as the initial sound of the ensuing syllable.

              깎아 [까까]옷이 [오시]있어 [이써]낮이 [나지]
              꽂아 [꼬자]꽃을 [꼬츨]쫓아 [쪼차]밭에 [바테]
              앞으로 [아프로]덮이다 [더피다]

              Section 14:  When a double bottom consonant precedes a marker, particle or suffix that begins with a vowel, only the second sound of the double bottom consonant transfers to be pronounced as the initial sound of the ensuing syllable.  (In such an instance, a ㅅis tensed.)

              넋이 [넉씨]앉아 [안자]닭을 [달글]젊어 [절머]
              곬이 [골씨]핥아 [할타]읊어 [을퍼]값을 [갑쓸]
              없어 [업:써]

              Section 15:  When a bottom consonant precedes a full morpheme that begins with the vowels ㅏ, ㅓ, ㅗ, ㅜ or ㅟ, the bottom consonant changes to its equivalent proxy sound and transfers to be pronounced as the initial sound of the ensuing syllable:

              밭 아래 [바다래]늪 앞 [느밥]젖어미 [저더미]맛없다 [마덥다]
              겉옷 [거돋]헛웃음 [허두슴]꽃 위 [꼬뒤]

              Exception:  맛있다 and 멋있다 can also be pronounced [마싣따] and [머싣따].

              Addendum:  Only one of the two consonants in a double bottom consonant transfers to be pronounced as the initial sound of the ensuing syllable.

              넋 없다 [너겁따]닭 앞에 [다가페]값어치 [가버치]값있는 [가빈는]

              Section 16:  While the names of 한글 consonants derive from bottom consonant pronunciation, the names of following consonants diverge from this practice, ㄷ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅋ, ㅌ, ㅍ and ㅎ:

              디귿이 [디그시]디귿을 [디그슬]디귿에 [디그세]
              지읒이 [지으시]지읒을 [지으슬]지읒에 [지으세]
              치읓이 [치으시]치읓을 [치으슬]치읓에 [치으세]
              키읔이 [키으기]키읔을 [키으글]키읔에 [키으게]
              티읕이 [티으시]티읕을 [티으슬]티읕에 [티으세]
              피읖이 [피으비]피읖을 [피으블]피읖에 [피으베]
              히읗이 [히으시]히읗을 [히으슬]히읗에 [히으세]


              Section 17:  When the bottom consonants ㄷor ㅌ(ㄾ) precede a syllable particle or suffix that begins with ㅣ, they  change into ㅈ(or ㅊ) and transfer to be pronounced as the initial sound of the ensuing syllable.

              곧이듣다 [고지듣따]굳이 [구지]미닫이 [미다지]
              땀받이 [땀바지]밭이 [바치]벼훑이 [벼훌치]

              Addendum:  When a ㄷprecedes the suffix 히, the 티 that results is pronounced as 치.  

              굳히다 [구치다]닫히다 [다치다]묻히다 [무치다]

              Section 18: The bottom consonants ㄱ(ㄲ, ㅋ, ㄳ, ㄺ), ㄷ(ㅅ, ㅆ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅌ, ㅎ), or ㅂ(ㅍ, ㄼ, ㄿ, ㅄ) are pronounced as ㅇ, ㄴ or  ㅁ when they precede ㄴ or ㅁ:

              먹는 [멍는]국물 [궁물]깎는 [깡는]키읔만 [키응만]
              몫몫이 [몽목씨]긁는 [긍는]흙만 [흥만]닫는 [단는]
              짓는 [진:는]옷맵시 [온맵시]있는 [인는]맞는 [만는]
              젖멍울 [전멍울]쫓는 [쫀는]꽃망울 [꼰망울]붙는 [분는]
              놓는 [논는]잡는 [잠는]밥물 [밤물]앞마당 [암마당]
              밟는 [밤:는]읊는 [음는]없는 [엄:는]값매다 [감매다]

              Addendum:  This also applies when two adjoining words are spoken as a single utterance:

              책 넣는다 [챙넌는다]흙 말리다 [흥말리다]옷 맞추다 [온마추다]
              밥 먹는다 [밤멍는다]값 매기다 [감매기다]

              Section 19:  ㄹ is pronounced ㄴ when it follows the bottom consonants ㅁ or ㅇ:

              담력 [담:녁]침략 [침냑]강릉 [강능]항로 [항:노]
              대통령 [대:통녕]

              Addendum:  ㄹ is also pronounced ㄴ when it follows the bottom consonants ㄱ or ㅂ:

              막론 [막논→망논]백리 [백니→뱅니]협력 [협녁→혐녁]
              십리 [십니→심니]

              Section 20:  ㄴ is pronounced ㄹ when it precedes or follows a ㄹ:

              1)난로 [날:로]신라 [실라]천리 [철리]광한루 [광:할루]

              대관령 [대:괄령]

              2)칼날 [칼랄]물난리 [물랄리]줄넘기 [줄럼끼]할는지 [할른지]

              Addendum:  This also applies when a syllable-initial ㄴ follows ㅀ or ㄾ:

              닳는 [달른]뚫는 [뚤른]핥네 [할레]

              Exception:  ㄹ is pronounced ㄴ in words like the following:     

              의견란 [의:견난]임진란 [임:진난]생산량 [생산냥]
              결단력 [결딴녁]공권력 [공꿘녁]동원령 [동:원녕]
              상견례 [상견녜]횡단로 [횡단노]이원론 [이:원논]
              입원료 [이붠뇨]구근류 [구근뉴]

              Section 21:  Consonant assimilation other than that noted above shall not be recognized:

              감기 [감:기 but not 강:기]옷감 [옫깜 but not 옥깜]
              있고 [읻꼬 but not 익꼬]꽃길 [꼳낄 but not 꼭낄]
              젖먹이 [전머기 but not 점머기]문법 [문뻡 but not 뭄뻡]
              꽃밭 [꼳빧 but not 꼽빧]

              Section 22:  As a principle, the pronunciation of the following verb stem endings shall be 어 , but 여is also approved.

              피어 [피어 or 피여]되어 [되어 or 되여]

              Addendum:  This applies as well to 이오 and 아니오, but 이요 and 아니요 are also approved.

              PART 6—TENSING

              Section 23:  The bottom consonants ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅅ and ㅈ are tensed when they follow ㄱ (ㄲ, ㅋ, ㄳ, ㄺ), ㄷ (ㅅ, ㅆ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅌ) or ㅂ (ㅍ, ㄼ, ㄿ, ㅄ):  

              국밥 [국빱]깎다 [깍따]넔받이 [넉빠지]삯돈 [삭똔]
              닭장 [닥짱]칡범 [칙뻠]뻗대다 [뻗때다]옷고름 [옫꼬름]
              있던 [읻떤]꽂고 [꼳꼬]꽃다발 [꼳따발]낯설다 [낟썰다]
              밭갈이 [받까리]솥전 [솓쩐]곱돌 [곱똘]덮개 [덥깨]
              옆집 [엽찝]넓죽하다 [넙쭈카다]읊조리다 [읍쪼리다]값지다 [갑찌다]

              Section 24:  A suffix initial ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅅor ㅈ is tensed  after a verb stem final ㄴ(ㄵ) or ㅁ(ㄻ):

              신고 [신꼬]껴안다 [껴안따]앉고 [안꼬]얹다 [언따]
              삼고 [삼:꼬]더듬지 [더듬찌]닮고 [담:꼬]젊지 [점:찌]

              Exception:  The passive or causative suffix 기 is not tensed.


              Section 25:  A suffix initial ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅅ, or ㅈ is tensed following a verb stem final ㄼ or ㄾ:

              넓게 [널께]핥다 [할따]훑소 [훌쏘]떫지 [떨:찌]

              Section 26:  ㄷ, ㅅ and ㅈ are tensed  following a ㄹ as the bottom consonant in a Sino-Korean syllable:  

              갈등 [갈뜽]발동 [발똥]절도 [절또]말살 [말쌀]
              불소 [불쏘](弗素)일시 [일씨]갈증 [갈쯩]물질 [물찔]
              발전 [발쩐]몰상식 [몰쌍식]불세출 [불쎄출]

              Exception:  Words composed of repeated Sino-Korean syllables are not tensed:

              허허실실 [허허실실] (虛虛實實)절절하다 [절절하다] (切切- )

              Section 27:  ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅅand ㅈ are tensed after the modifierㄹ:

              할 것을 [할꺼슬]갈 데가 [갈떼가]할 바를 [할빠를]
              할 수는 [할쑤는]할 적에 [할쩌게]갈 곳 [갈꼳]
              할 도리 [할또리]만날 사람 [만날싸람]

              Exception:  ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅅand ㅈ are lax after a pause in the flow of speech.

              Addendum:  This tensing also applies in regard to a ㄹ in a particle:  

              할걸 [할껄]할밖에 [할빠께]할세라 [할쎄라]
              할수록 [할쑤록]할지라도 [할찌라도]할지언정 [할찌언정]
              할진대 [할찐대]

              Section 28: The intervening ㅅ [사이시옷] — required as a prenoun between the words of a compound with an internal pause — tenses an initial ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅅor ㅈ of a compound’s second term even if the ㅅ itself does not appear in the spelling.  [TN: The intervening ㅅ functions as the genitive 의 to link the terms of a compound. If the ㅅ were visible in the first example word below, it would appear as 문ㅅ고리.]

              문-고리 [문꼬리]눈-동자 [눈똥자]신-바람 [신빠람]산-새 [산쌔]
              손-재주 [손째주]길-가 [길까]물-동이 [물똥이]발-바닥 [발빠닥]
              굴-속 [굴:쏙]술-잔 [술짠]바람-결 [바람껼]그믐-달 [그믐딸]
              아침-밥 [아침빱]잠-자리 [잠짜리]강-가 [강까]초승-달 [초승딸]
              등-불 [등뿔]창-살 [창쌀]강-줄기 [강쭐기]

              PART 7—ADDING SOUNDS

              Section 29: In a compound where a consonant forms the final sound of the preceding word, compound or suffix and the first syllable of the subsequent word or suffix is 이, 야, 여, 요, 유,  an ㄴ sound is added to these syllables, and they are pronounced 니, 냐, 녀, 뇨 and 뉴:

              솜-이불 [솜:니불]홑-이불 [혼니불]막-일 [망닐]
              삯-일 [상닐]맨-입 [맨닙]꽃-잎 [꼰닙]
              내복-약 [내:봉냑]색-연필 [생년필]직행-열차 [지캥녈차]
              늑막-염 [능망념]콩-엿 [콩녇]담-요 [담:뇨]
              눈-요기 [눈뇨기]영업-용 [영엄뇽]식용-유 [시굥뉴]
              국민-윤리 [궁민뉼리]밤-윳 [밤:뉻]

              Exception:  Terms like the following are pronounced with a ㄴ sound added, but they can also be pronounced as they are spelled:

              이죽-이죽 [이중니죽 or 이주기죽]야금-야금 [야금냐금 or 야그먀금]
              검열 [검:녈 or 거:멸]욜랑-욜랑 [욜랑뇰랑 or 욜랑욜랑]
              금융 [금늉 or 그뮹]

              Addendum 1:  The ㄴ sound that is added following the bottom consonant ㄹ is pronounced as ㄹ:

              들-일 [들릴]솔-잎 [솔립]설-익다 [설릭따]
              물-약 [물략]불-여우 [불려우]서울-역 [서울력]
              물-엿 [물렫]휘발-유 [휘발류]유들-유들 [유들류들]

                      Addendum 2:  These apply as well when two words are pronounced as one:

              한 일 [한닐]옷 입다 [온닙따]서른여섯 [서른녀섣]
              3연대 [삼년대]먹은 엿 [머근녇]
              할 일 [할릴]잘 입다 [잘립따]스물여섯 [스물려섣]
              1연대 [일련대]먹을 엿 [머글렫]

              Exception:  Terms like the following are not pronounced with the ㄴ (ㄹ) sound added:

              6·25 [유기오]3·1절 [사밀쩔]송별-연 [송:벼련]등용-문 [등용문]

              Section 30:  Terms containing a visible intervening ㅅ [사이시옷] are pronounced as follows:  

              1)  As a principle, an intervening ㅅ merely tenses a following initial ㄱ, ㄷ, ㅂ, ㅅ or ㅈ, but it is also approved to pronounce the ㅅ as ㄷ:     

              냇가 [내:까 or 낻:까]샛길 [새:낄 or 샏:낄]빨랫돌 [빨래똘 or 빨랟똘]
              콧등 [코뜽 or 콛뜽]깃발 [기빨 or 긷빨]대팻밥 [대:패빱 or 대:팯빱]
              햇살 [해쌀 or 핻쌀]뱃속 [배쏙 or 밷쏙]뱃전 [배쩐 or 밷쩐]
              고갯짓 [고개찓 or 고갣찓]

              2)  An intervening ㅅ is pronounced as ㄴ when it precedes ㄴ or ㅁ:

              콧날 [콛날→콘날]아랫니 [아랟니→아랜니]
              툇마루 [퇻:마루→퇸:마루]뱃머리 [밷머리→밴머리]

              3)  An intervening ㅅ is pronounced as ㄴ when it precedes an 이 sound:

              베갯잇 [베갣닏→베갠닏]깻잎 [깯입→깬닙]
              나뭇잎 [나묻입→나문닙]도리깻열 [도리깯녈→도리깬녈]
              뒷윷 [뒫:뉻→뒨:뉻]


              Chang, Suk-in, Modern Conversational Korean, revised edition, 352 pp, Seoul Computer Press, Seoul, 1992.

              Choo, Miho and William O’Grady, The Sounds of Korean, A Pronunciation Guide, 256 pp, University of Hawaii Press, Honolulu, 2003.

              Hang, Hŭi-yŏng, An Introduction to Korean Phonetics and Phonology, 3rd edition, 489 pp, Bando Publishing Company, Seoul, 1991, in Korean.

              Kim, Min-su, New Korean Linguistics, Completely Revised Edition, 317 pp, Iljogak Publishing Company, Seoul, 1993, in Korean.

              Kim, Se-jung, Director, Language Research Department, National Institute of Korean Language, Republic of Korea, P’yojuno Chongch’aege dehayo“ [On Standard Language Policies].  Sae Kugo Saenghwal Spring 2004.  Web. 10 Jan. 2019, in Korean.

              Ministry of Education, Republic of Korea, Section 2:  The Law on Standard Pronunciation, Standard Language Regulation, Ministry of Education Announcement 88-2, 10 pp, ROK, Seoul, 1988, in Korean.

              Naver Dictionary online, https://ko.dict.naver.com/#/main

              O, Chŏng-nan, Linear and Non-linear Phonology, 371 pp, Hyŏngsŏl Publishing Company, Seoul, 1993, in Korean.

              Yi, Hŭi-sŭng, Introduction to Korean Linguistics, 446 pp, Minjung Seogwan Publishing Company, Seoul, Seventh Edition, 1972, in Korean.

              Yi, Ŭn-jŏng, A pronouncing Dictionary of the Korean Language, 1,387 pp, Paeksan Publishing Company, Seoul, 1992, in Korean.